Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Announcement: New Features!

I've got a new Adventures in Alcohol post in the works (and when I say "in the works", I of course mean that I haven't started yet), but I'm having to do some investigative journalism about the night in question, because it was like two years ago and I don't actually remember a lot of it. It'll be up soon though, I hope.
Speaking of journalism, however, I have an announcement to make! I have two new site features that I'm hoping to incorporate into this blog, and I need your help to do it. That's right, Reader, I'm talking to you! The new features are as follows:

Buzz vs. The News

I spend some time every day reading various news sites, and every now and then I'll come across an article that I'll disagree with vehemently, often to the point that I have to pause my iPod so I can angrily re-read the article and think about why I disagree with it so strongly. Now, keep in mind that I have virtually no knowledge of politics, current events, global happenings, history, science, or really anything outside of pop culture, so you can be assured that my opinions are well-founded and totally worthwhile.
So this is where you come in, Dear Reader. If you find an article that you'd like me to read and get angry about, send it to me. You can post a link on my blog, or email it to me at undiscoverthis@live.ca. If the article in question makes me angry enough, who knows? You may see a response posted to this very blog (with appropriate credit given, of course).

Buzz vs. News Commenters

I don't know if I'm the only one who does this, but after reading any given article, I sometimes go to the "Comments" section of the page for the sole purpose of reading peoples' comments and making myself angry. I would seriously recommend this to anyone, because in addition to getting angry, you'll find yourself laughing your ass off at some of these comments. Let's be honest, the only people commenting on articles on msnbc.com are probably people that I disagree with about pretty much everything (and would probably want to punch in the face if I ever met). I'd like to take, say, the five most absurd comments that I find in a given week and dissect them for my (and hopefully your) amusement. So again, if you happen to notice a particularly asinine comment on a news story, please send it along and I'll do my best to highlight its idiocy.

That's all for now. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: I feel like I should clarify, because I've received some comments about this: I'm not asking readers to do my research for me here. I'll be on the lookout for articles and comments that enrage me, and I imagine that most of the ones I write about will be ones that I've found. However, if you happen to see one that you think will piss me off, send it my way. I read a variety of news sites, but my selection is far from exhaustive, and so you may see an article that I might miss.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Adventures in Alcohol: Windsor Edition

I know I promised a lot of posts would be coming and that I'd be recapping a hundred different shows and reviewing movies and video games, but to be honest doing those things was overcoming the enjoyment I got from watching/playing them, so that's probably the end of that. It's possible that this might upset some of you (although I can't imagine who), so I conferred with a colleague of mine about how best to placate my readers. He said he'd take care of it:

With that out of the way, you may be asking what will happen to this blog now. I've decided to go more of a traditional route and simply use the blog as a space to post cool/funny/terrible shit that I find on the Internet, and to tell random stories of my various adventures. The blog was started to be a creative output for me, and recapping other people's work just isn't cutting it anymore.

And so, without further ado, I present the first in what will (read: might possibly) become a long and infamous series of tales: the Adventures in Alcohol.